Tuesday, May 29, 2018

JEAN MICHEL Cmdr. Lyur publications

Membre du Syndicat des Journalistes et Ecrivains
L'Auteur a été contacté par des extraterrestres positifs lors de rencontres physiques du 3e type, avec des preuves confirmées par des scientifiques du CNES, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales de Toulouse. Il est l'auteur des livres 'E.T. Les contactés parlent', 'Rencontres l'Essentiel', 'La légion de la Lumière', 'le message des Maîtres' ainsi qu'un livre sur la science spirituelle des cristaux 'Crystal Light', en Français. Ses livres ont été salué par le magazine Allemand 'Magazin 2000' comme la meilleure synthèse sur le sujet. Quant au livre sur les cristaux, il a été recommandé par le magazine l'Inconnu.
Jean Michel a représenté la France dans les congrès Internationaux, auprès de collègues conférenciers astronautes Américains et Russes, de nombreux pilotes de l'US Air Force, des scientifiques de renom, des anciens membres de services secrets, et les contactés physiques les plus connus. Il a également été le messager des frères de l'espace de l'Ashtar Command dans les congrès Amérindiens 'Star Knowledge' aux U.S.A.
Contact : ulve144@gmail.com
Publications de l'Auteur disponibles en auto-édition – d'autres suivront -  :
NOUVEAU ! ! en Auto-édition CDs Audio
 Code UST 02 ‘Travail de Lumière vol 1’ : -- reconnection avec la présence divine – décret Ascension Marie – Invocation de Grâce – Contact guidé méditation station spatiale Ashaad Hunie avec son de vaisseau. Le son donné par un vaisseau de patrouille dans la seconde partie augmente les fréquences du corps à chaque écoute. CD UST 02 = 10 Euros plus 8 port
UST8 : 'Travail de Lumière vol 2' Techniques de connection avec la nouvelle grille de conscience dorée. Ouverture des canaux télépathiques. Travail en équipe à 2 ou avec son guide. Idem 10 Euros plus port si commande vol 1 et vol 2 un seul port de 8 euros.
Les techniques de la Merkabah données par l’Asthar Command n’ont rien à voir avec ce que donnent les ‘melchizedek’ à qui je fais peu confiance car trop compliqués, pas galactiques du tout et ne pas oublier qu’il y a des interférences sur Terre avec un ‘ordre de melchizedek des ténèbres ‘.
Ma série AM 1 à 5, ‘Science de la Merkabah et Ascension donnée par l’Ashtar Command’ = 5 CD audios contient des techniques plus simples et plus faciles à utiliser. C’est de l’excellent matériel. Les 5 CD = 50 Euros plus 8 Euros de port..
Série de 3 CD Audio : AB2 'Le Nouvel Enseignement de St Germain'. Cet enseignement a été donné par ce maître à des messagers spécialement choisis et ceci n'a rien a voir avec le dit channeling d'aujourd'hui où peu de choses sont authentiques. A noter que le nom spirituel de ce maître est Aeolia et que c'est un grand être du grand soleil central. 3CD audio = 30 Euros plus 8 Euros de port
Série de 3 CD Audio : AB6 'Le Nouvel Enseignement de Jésus'. Même remarque que précédemment, la plupart des 'channelings' n'ont rien à voir avec ce maître. Jésus explique ici parfaitement sa mission sur Terre, à noter qu'il est le maître spirituel de l'univers local. 3 CDAudios 30 Euros plus 8 Euros de port.

.Ces thèmes ont aidé grandement le réveil et reconnection des enfants des étoiles et de la terre, selon l'avis de beaucoup d'entre eux.
Que vous soyez un Star People, Starseed; Indigo ou autres volontaires venus s'incarner sur Terre pour aider cette planète, vous avez une mission, et il est temps de la découvrir et de la finaliser avant la transition de ce système solaire dans une fréquence plus haute.

Thèmes Galactiques by Cdr. Lyur
Cmdr Lyur/Jean Michel a eu le privilège durant une rencontre du 4e type,
d'avoir eu une liaison installée dans son corps psychique/éthérique par les
Frères de l'espace de l'Ashtar Command. Depuis ce moment, il est en liaison
permanente avec les Vaisseaux de Lumière "Star Lightships" : Crystal Bell,
Light, et Janus, qui sont des vaisseaux qui ancrent la conscience christique
pour la Flotte Intergalactique Interdimensionnelle. Ces vaisseaux peuvent
être appelés des "Merkabahs" par les ésotéristes, ce sont des vaisseaux de
lumière, en vérité.

Aujourd'hui Cmdr. Lyur vous offre la possibilité de découvrir votre lignage
galactique, votre planète de transit à votre arrivée dans ce système
solaire, vos capacités spéciales, vos connections spécifiques avec la flotte
de Starfleet et avec des vaisseaux en particulier, de connaître votre
mission sur Terre, votre mission dans Starfleet et la hiérarchie spirituelle de l'univers
(pour laquelle vous avez été d'accord avant de venir vous incarner ici), et votre choix de futures missions dans le nouvel univers.
Ceci est réalisé uniquement par courrier, une période de contact spéciale,
pendant laquelle Cdr Lyur va se connecter en votre nom. Vous recevrez entre
10 et 12 pages de guidance personnelle qui va vous aider à comprendre et à
finaliser votre potentiel dans cette vie, et à (re)découvrir votre
engagement avec Starfleet (pour lequel vous étiez d'accord avant de venir
ici) et avec la hiérarchie spirituelle galactique. Ces voyances s'appliquent également aux enfants de la terre, ayant eu beaucoup de vies sur terre depuis leur arrivée d'âme dans cette sphère.
Les frais sont de 152 EUROS. Saisissez cette opportunité, car cela représente beaucoup plus. Commande avec PayPal vous envoyez à martineindigo144@orange.fr en donnant votre adresse postale pour livraison. Commande par chèque ordre 'Jean Michel Surmely'
envoyer courrier à
Jean Michel Surmely
7 rue du Pountarrou
F. 11140 Artigues

Les thèmes galactiques "Golden Starquest" sont composées de deux parties :
A. Guidance personnelle.
- votre incarnation actuelle dans ce continuum espace-temps
- les énergies se trouvant en vous et autour de vous au moment de cette
- message pour cette vie
- conseils pour manifester votre réalité
- la manifestation de projection si vous incorporez cette guidance dans vos
champs d'énergie

B. Guidance de mission.
- votre lignage extraterrestre avant que vous n'arriviez dans le quadrant
spatial local.
- La planète sur laquelle vous avez effectué un transit dans ce système
solaire (procédures de décélération) avant que vous ne preniez une
incarnation sur Terre en tant que personnel au sol volontaire. Vos capacités
acquises sur cette planète.
- Votre connection avec les vaisseaux de la flotte. Vos tâches spécifiques
dans Starfleet.
- Guidance pour votre mission actuelle sur Terre
- Votre mission universelle et vos choix de missions pour le prochain

Ces thèmes ne sont réalisées que par correspondance car Jean Michel/Cmdr Lyur ne décide pas le jour ni l'heure du contact réalisé pour vous. Elles sont toutefois réalisées le plus rapidement possible.
Merci de votre support et confiance, que l'amour et la lumière du Radiant Un
soit toujours avec vous.
'La prophétie Hopi et les Maîtres Indiens', 2 CDs audio 20 Euros plus 8 euros port. Ce programme présente des contacts Amérindiens avec des E.T.s, une des prophéties Hopi les plus importantes qui a disparu totalement même des médias alternatifs et Internet, et la visite du Maître Jeshua au premier siècle dans les Amériques où il a enseigné toutes les tribus Amérindiennes.
Séminaire de 5 heures : Rapport des Congrès Star Knowledge des Amérindiens qui depuis la naissance de bébés femelles bison blanc, ayant déclenché la réalisation de la Prophétie de la Femme Bison Blanc, ont décidé de révéler au monde les contacts extraterrestres qu'ils ont régulièrement depuis des siècles dans toutes les Tribus. Les Grands Chefs, les hommes et femmes médecine et représentants de toutes les Tribus parlent aujourd'hui. 5 CDs Audio 50 Euros plus 8 Euros de port.
Lois Spirituelles et Universelles. 2 CD Audio 20 Euros plus 8 euros de port. Introduction sur les Lois Universelles et Spirituelles telles que reçus par les Amérindiens du Chef Standing Elk et donnés par les Nations des Etoiles. Ceci est la préface du manuel des Lois Stellaires telles que suivies sur toutes les planètes et civilisations avancées et qu'il est maintenant possible de pratiquer sur la Mère Terre aui avance en fréquence vers la 5e dimension, ceci confirmé par de nombreux scientifiques avec tout le système solaire qui accélère en fréquences dans une nouvelle zone de l'espace lors de son cycle orbital.
Atelier Chakras supérieurs et Cristaux Supérieurs. 3 CD Audios 30 Euros plus 8 euros de port. Infos données par les Maîtres de la hiérarchie de la Terre Kuthumi et Hermès. 12 chakras avec les nouveaux chakras supérieurs, et les cristaux supérieurs qui correspondent. Par JEAN MICHEL, Auteur du livre “Crystal Light' salué par le magazine L'Inconnu commme le meilleur livre spirituel sur les cristaux.
Activation Cristaux 1 CD Audio 10 Euro plus 8 euros port. Contient les informations nouvelles pour les êtres Indigos et Crystal, une protection spécifique de l'Archange Michaël à faire avant toute activité spirituelle, et la préparation de la procédure Programmation Cristaux pour nettoyage des cristaux de l'eau - y compris les fleuves et rivières - selon les techniques de Grandmother Kiesha et du Professeur Japonais Emoto.
Nouveaux Rayons. 1 CD Audio 10 Euro plus 8 euros port. Le système complet des 27 Rayons spirituels maintenant disponibles sur Terre et leur utilisation. Annule et remplace les anciens enseignements des 7 rayons, qui avaient été manipulés par les basses hiérachies. Infos complémentaires à l'atelier Chrakas et Cristaux.
Nouveaux Chakras. 1 CD audio 10 Euros plus 8 euros port. Informations données sous la direction de Sananda(Jeshua). Le système des 14 chakras avec cristaux minéraux et leurs sons correspondants. Cet album audio est complémentaire à l'atelier Chakras et Cristaux Supérieurs car donné par des Maîtres différents.
'Mission Ashtar Command', la meilleure synthèse disponible en 4 Cds audio, qui explique tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir sur les plans et fonctionnement de la Flotte Intergalactique de la Confédération Galactique de Lumière, et la mission des Star People, volontaires de cette flotte incarnés sur Terre depuis la 2e guerre mondiale. 40 Euros plus 8 euros port.
VIDEO pour PC : 'Star People, les enfants des Etoiles', conférence de Jean Michel et autres contactés au congrès International Dialogue avec l'Univers. 20 Euros plus 8 euros port
Egalement disponible : Thèmes Galactiques par Jean Michel, qui aident à décoder les banques de mémoire galactiques de l'ADN – pas d'astrologie – Info à ulve144@gmail.com ou à l'adresse postale ci-dessous. Commandes par Internet par Paypal au compte Paypal martineindigo144@orange.fr en donnant votre adresse postale pour livraison. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas Internet, les publications peuvent être commandées par courrier : chèques ordre à envoyer à Jean Michel Surmely 7 rue du Pountarrou F. 11140 Artigues.

Monday, January 22, 2018

"The Dark Forces In.." by Ashtar

It seems adequate to post again this text since the plan described below is well advanced
now, having taken as a vector 95% of the "new age" and "channelers", as well as most UFO
groups advocating the disclosure of "first contact" by nations on Earth.
Golden Love
Cmdr. Lyur
PS. To refresh memories about our real mission on Earth for us star people and starseeds, please watch
all our videos in our YouTube Channel : Golden Starseed Report :
Message From Ashtar Of The Ashtar C.mmand
Telepathic Communications - To Tom H. Smith, Louisville, Ky.
The Dark Forces In ------ and The Coming Of The Reptilian's
(October 12, 1992) This message is still valid today since 95% of channeling are fake since about 20 years.

It is not our intent now or ever to put down any individual or
organization, including gov------ts. We recognize organizations are
generally a reflection of the individual members' beliefs. But this
does not mean that we concur with the direction being taken. When the
directionpursued is detrimental to the Earth, then we become even more
concerned, as this beautiful energy has asked for our assistance.
 I have spoken some about your go------ent's involvement with the
forces of the dark side.
 There are several organizations who are very directly involved
in a way that may have an impact on your future as free citizens. Why
do we tell you this? As with all the other things, so you can be aware and
prepare yourself for the different choices you will have. Of course
one ofthese is to utilize your mass consciousness to change whatever you
deem appropriate.
So each and all have decisions to make as to which direction to take.
Many souls are, in fact, on the Earth to continue the present course of (current
society) dominance and interference. These people have made this global plan
very attractive and almost necessary for your safety and even your
existence. Others are here to grow and develop in an appropriate
manner for themselves. Yet most of these have been influenced by those whose
intent is to control...."
 I started to tell you of certain departments within
your go-------nt whose positions are in concert with the dark forces we
have mentioned in previous channelings.
It is through these kinds of s.cret organizations that (rulers are)
working with the dark forces in several capacities. They have been
engaged in controling foreign g....ernments as well as certain
elements of your society. These all come under the general heading of
"nat--nal sec--ity". Some have also been working with the "alien
existences" to gain strong influence over the people...."
 The negative ET's have "agreements" with (rulers) This we have
already told you. These so called agreements are not worth the paper they have been
written on, if the negatives choose otherwise. Initially, the agreements were very
specific. But over time they have been redrafted to allow more and more free
intervention by the negative ET's. Of course the tradeoff was for
But what has happened is the almost total control by the negative ET's.
It is so convincing, that the agreements mean very little as the dark forces
could proceed as they wish, anytime they feel it appropriate.
Only a positive, loving collective consciousness can stop their plan.
I have already told of the Earth changes, at least in a general way.
These are the major reasons for the relative immediacy of actions to be
taken. (Rulers) have agreed to allow certain Reptilian type beings the total
freedom over the citizens of all nations they
choose, without any real interference. These Reptilian ET's have
control over certain ET's from the dark side of the Orion planets. Many refer
to them as Greys. These are the primary beings doing the experiments on
your species, as well as abductions. There are three other groups of
extraterrestrials who are doing this as well, but the Orion Grays are
the major group and have been for some time. Understand this - these
negative ET's from Orion are in the minority compared to most advanced planets.
By and large (most) planets are occupied by benevolent, loving space friends who
wish only to help the Earth and humankind.
It is the negatives from the Orion group your rulers have bodies of as
well as craft. Nothing is impossible, but we are far too advanced to
crash our crafts into the Earth. We do not wish harm to any energy, only
love. The negative ET's craft do not compare in any favorable way to what we can
manifest. From an evolutionary perspective, we are "light years"
They are powerful, do not doubt this for an instant. But they have
placed limitations on their love development. Consequently, their entire
existence is limited. But we do not use force of any kind. We are love and
therefore believe in the laws of balance as specified by the One Creator.
I now return to the potential evolvement of certain circumstances. The
Reptilian's, or Lizards as some may view them, are of a very high, but
negative vibration. If you doubt their power, look around you and you
will see how forceful and ingenious they are. Religion, materialism,
control - all of these they have been very subtly introduced to this planet.
These are what have allowed them to make such inroads with the human. Their
power is to be respected but NOT feared. This is most important. THEY
THRIVE ON FEAR AND INTIMIDATION. They know all the angles, for they have
probably created them as toys for humanity.
The Lizards will not appear to be forcing themselves on you. They are
masters of deception. They will seem to come to help you. We have
mentioned this in an earlier message. They prefer to win you over. If they
use force, at least initially, too many people will immediately see
through their facade. They are seeking the same kind of mind control over each
individual as they have over those in (situation of power), and even
their subordinate ET's (the Gray's). It is up to each person to allow this
to happen. Just going along with things is as much mind control as direct
control. There is really no difference.
 At the same time there will be certain "natural disasters" that
create certain needs. These disasters will be caused by the powerful negative
forces. Also there will be an ET alert. The focus will be on the "non loving"
ones. As allegiance to the ET "saviors" is gained, your leaders will
become less and less involved, as the negatives begin to exert total
control. At the same time they will continue to make you believe they
are your friends and still working with your leaders.
Each of you will be able to set aside your own personal fears
and other emotions, you can easily realize that whatever is happening through
your leaders or the Lizard leaders, is not in your best interest, unless
you are also from the dark side.
 After all the "dust settles", you will be advised as to the real
reasons for the negative ET appearance. You will be told of certain pending
and inevitable doomsday occurrences that would more than likely destroy
your planet Earth and everything on it. The picture you will be painted
will be one that leaves you no recourse. But their sales job will not be
complete yet. You will be told how advanced they are and how you can be part
of that process on distant planets. They will take some volunteers to view
these beautiful planets and their golden cities. Whoever is witness to these
places will be overcome by the beauty and peacefulness. Many others
will also have views of these unbelievable cities and countryside. This
is all yours, you will be told, along with the advanced technology to support
them. You will then be asked and expected to agree to leave at the
appropriate time. All while they are communicating these things to
you, you will be subjected to the most advanced form of mind control you could
imagine. Once you have agreed to their offers, you will then be
processed to prepare you for passage. The actual passage will be some time off
for most, as you will need to prepare yourself mentally, physically and
"spiritually". In fact what you will be doing is allowing the
negatives to assert their control over you. For there are no golden cities to be
transported to. What many will have witnessed are the masterful use of
holograms to create illusions of truth for those seeking them. Each
who agrees to the negative ET's offers will find themselves taken through a
process somewhat like meditation. Only you will be opening yourself
up to the direct control techniques of those from the dark side. There will
be some to recognize what is happening and they will resist. These will
be isolated if caught so as to not alarm the others. Your leaders will be
using intimidation to assure that each is a participant.
Once you have completely submitted to their control, whether on the
Earth before you leave, or somewhere in space, there is no turning back for
you. Most will not even recognize the need to turn back, at least
initially. For some it will not take long to recognize your predicament. Some will be
subjected to physical experiments, ranging from organ transplanting to
impregnation and child birthing. Many will actually transition from
the experiments as they are traumatized so extensively. As gruesome as it
may sound, many will become a form of human sacrifice. Many, many more
will be forced into labor camps, both on the Earth and on distant planets.
All who choose to be with the Reptilian's will be pressed into some type of
service, or directly USED. You will no longer be a unique being, but
will become a toy and slave of those you so trusted. There will be
absolutely no escape for you in this lifetime, especially once you have been taken
to the "golden cities".
 Many of the leaders, particularly those of the dark focus, will
be elevated within the ranks of the negative ET's. Others will become
slaves themselves when they are no longer needed. There is no "code of
honor" among the Reptilian's. They only recognize power and the
ability to create fear in others.
I have left out many more details. One very important truth to
remember is that each has a choice, or choices, now and then. What you choose will
contribute to your reality. WE are a choice for you. We come in love
and offer love. We do not expect anything from you. We will help only if
asked we are asked to. This [asked not forced] alone will be difficult for
many to comprehend, as you have been taught so well to force your views and
beliefs on others, especially when you know its for their own good. To
those who follow these truths, true discernment will be most
 I will continue at another time to tell you more about your options
for us. There are Light workers among you who will provide you with guidance,
if you wish to listen to them. I will tell you other things concerning
thenegative ET's, but mostly I will tell you of our love. I leave in
love for each of you and for the God Source of us all.
Note : to confirm the synchronicity of this message with what is revealed today
please watch in our YouTube channel this first summary by David Icke :

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Make known our YouTube Channel !

Current videos on our channel Golden Starseed Report :
Captain here,
We need to activate at this time our YouTube channel as much as possible. So please all of you crew members, do your best to share, post, on the internet about these vidéos. Use all the 3D tools at your disposal in order to do so. 'Fakebook' is not the best, but go on it anyway : some results happen by posting on the Groups, so there, post on a good many groups with a little presentation on a video, and the YouTube link. Since I have worked hard to make a bunch of videos, you can post in groups almost everyday with a different video. Time consuming I know this is why we need your help.
Social networks today are a catastrophy IMHO ; because of more control on the Web. We lost good platforms in the past, MSN groups, MySpace, Yahoo groups has become horrible, and most are dormant anyway.
YouTube : Posting comments, same way just a few lines to present a video worthy to watch in the comments section of a video on a similar subject, where the number of views is rather high, works quite nicely, I have started that myself. Ex : on videos on 5th dimension and ascension, you put a comment with a link to one of my videos on the shift of New Earth, the one with the 'apple peeling' looks to catch people. On the subject of UFOs, post my videos on the same topic, About Indigos, same way. Channelings, and so on. This is easy to understand.
Other forums : find very active forums, like the David Icke forums, and post there. The situation is so messy today on the Internet that we need to reach with our frequency all the star people, starseeds and indigos, caught in that sticky web where there is a huge need of clear and clean beacons.
I am writing a Captain's Report that I will post soon. I will talk about the many traps out there and the confusion to avoid, yes including the buzz of projects backed by big finance, including the last marketing of names such as cosmic disclosure, where many good souls have fallen for the cheese in that mouse trap.
Carry on ! Golden Love
list of videos :

New Earth 5th Dimension by Jean Michel Cmdr Lyur 

The New Earth, after the shifting of the Worlds will not be one planet as the New Age incorrectly says, but 3 different ones, for each dimension, 3rd, 4th and 5th. Only the 5D one will be in the new Universe.

Ufology Congress Montserrat, Spain What E.T.s ?

Comments by JEAN MICHEL, Author, Speaker in International UFO Congresses about Ufology. Why is there such a focus on the Grey Zetis aliens, which represent only 4% of extraterrestrials coming here
Extraterrestrial woman photographed Oct 2017
Spacewoman photographed in front of an inter-dimensional vortex and extraterrestrial base in Pyrénées mountains, France

Contacts with Positive E T s Part One

Contacts with Positive E T s Part Two
Contact with an Extraterrestrial woman in a 5th dimensional vortex in the Pyrenees mountains.

UFOs over Ufology Congress, Spain Sept 2017 

UFOs were present during and over the Ufology World Congress in Montserrat, Spain, 19-21 Sept. 2017. Watch our many videos on our channel Golden Starseed Report, share and subscribe !

Ufology Congress Spain 2017 Q&R with Michael Salla, Corey Goode, Laura Eisenhower

Pannel at the Ufology Congress Spain 2017 in Montserrat. Michael Salla, Corey Goode and Laura Eisenhower respond to questions from the audience

Ufology Congress Montserrat, Spain 2017 Part 1
Alternative Press Coverage by Jean Michel/Cmdr.Lyur at Ufology Congress, Montserrat, Spain 19-21 Sept. 2017

Ufology Congress Montserrat, Spain 2017 Part 2

Ufology Congress Montserrat, Spain 2017 Part 3

Alternative Press Coverage by Jean Michel/Cmdr.Lyur  at Ufology Congress, Montserrat, Spain 19-21 Sept. 2017. In this part JEAN MICHEL reveals the truth about the Christian Church who did take over Sacred Sites and E.T. contacts.
Michael Salla Ufology Congress Spain 2017
This is a report as Independent Press for your information and discernment. Audio recording at the Congress. Full videos were not authorized.

Corey Goode Ufology Congress Spain 2017

Golden Starseed Report presents this audio only lecture from the World Ufology Congress, Spain, Sept.2017, as free independent Press. This is then for your information and discernment.

UFO Contact How to have One by Cmdr. Lyur

How a UFO Contact should be done in a proper way, and which Extraterrestrials and Aliens could be contacted. Much disinformation has been set up by New Agers and infiltrators. Be aware and discern.
This is a 1st Part. Second part will be UFO Disclosure.

UFO Disclosure by Cmdr Lyur 

Comments by Author Speaker UFO Contactee JEAN MICHEL/Cmdr.Lyur on project UFO Disclosure and revelations of extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

Become a Galactic Ambassador by Cmdr Lyur (part 2 of UFO Disclosure

Comments by JEAN MICHEL/Cmdr.Lyur, Author, Speaker in World Congresses, UFO Contactee. Please watch all my videos and support my work with subscribing, sharing as much as you can. Golden Love

Message For Indigos by Cmdr.Lyur Part One 

Part One of Important Message from Cmdr. Lyur from the Inter-galactic Fleet to the starseeds and Indigos. Please awaken and go to perfom your mission on this planet, we need you so very much ! PLZ share, pass along and subscribe in order that we would be supported to make more videos ! Golden Love !

Videocast Cmdr Lyur 001 

Videocast by Jean Michel/Cmdr.Lyur, Author, Speaker in International UFO Congresses, Star Knowledge Conferences in the USA. Please share, made known this channel, and subscribe in order to support us. Golden Love.